签证办理过程中,有时候会收到签证官的质疑信,即大家常听说的 PPI。在持有过渡签证的条件下,请务必了解此签证的特性,做出正确的判断。 比如,是否可以继续读书,继续工作。
举例,一个工作签证持有者(ESSENTIAL SKILL 类别,即必要技能雇主担保类别),用更直白的描述 ▼
A 申请人过去在 B 单位工作,签证到期前3月1日,递交了 C 单位的工作签证申请。
3月1日后,签证还在审理,移民局发放了过渡签证,允许 A 合法呆在新西兰等待结果。
A 拿到了合法的短期过渡签证,但是开始去 C 单位工作。到此,A 已经违反了签证条例,虽然 A 可以合法呆在新西兰,但是过渡签证的条件是变成了旅游签证性质,不能打工,移民局发现 A 在 C 单位开始工作了,即对申请人发出了严重的品格置疑,同时也对雇主发出了置疑,非法雇佣无签证员工进行工作。
The conditions of your Interim Visa will depend on the kind of visa you had before we granted your Interim Visa, and the kind of visa you applied for.
Your last visa 上个签证 |
Visa applied for 已经申请的签证 |
Interim Visa conditions 临时签证条件 |
Visitor 旅签 | Visitor 旅签 | Visitor 旅签 |
Visitor 旅签 | Work 工签 | Visitor 旅签 |
Visitor 旅签 | Student 学签 | Student (open) 学签 (开放性) |
Student 学签 | Visitor 旅签 | Visitor 旅签 |
Student 学签 | Work 工签 | Visitor 旅签 |
Student 学签 | Student 学签 | Student (open) 学签 (开放性) |
Work 工签 | Visitor 旅签 | Visitor 旅签 |
Work 工签 | Student 学签 | Student (open) 学签 (开放性) |
Work (employment specific) 工签 (指定雇佣条件) |
Work (employment-specific - same employer,position and location) 工签 (雇佣种类 - 一样的雇主,职位和地址) |
Same Work conditions as your last visa 跟上个签证一样的工作条件 |
Work (employment specific) 工签 (指定雇佣条件) |
Work (employment-specific - different employer, position and location) 工签 (雇佣种类 - 不一样的雇主,职位和地址) |
Visitor 旅签 |
Work (employment specific) 工签 (指定雇佣条件) |
Work (open) 工签(开放性) | Visitor 旅签 |
Work (open) 工签 (开放性) |
Work (open - same kind of open visa) 工签 (开放性 - 同一类型开放性工签) |
Work (open) 工签(开放性) |
Work (open) 工签 (开放性) |
Work (open - different kind of open visa) 工签 (开放性 – 不同类型开放性工签) |
Visitor 旅签 |
Work (open) 工签(开放性) | Work (employer-specific) 工签 | Visitor 旅签 |
Military 军事,Diplomatic 外交, Consular 领事,Official 官员 |
Same kind of Diplomatic, Official, Consular, or Military Visa 同一类别的军事,外交,领事,官员签证 |
Same conditions as your last visa 跟上个签证一样的条件 |
Military 军事,Diplomatic 外交, Consular 领事,Official 官员 |
Any other kind of temporary entry visa 任何其他类别的短期签证 |
Visitor 旅签 |
Employer-specific work visas allow you to work:
• in a specific job 从事特定的工作
• for a specific-employer 为特定的雇主
• in a specific location. 在特定的地点。
Open work conditions allow you to work:
• in any job 在任何职位
• for any employer 给任何雇主
• in any New Zealand location. 在新西兰任何地点。
You may be granted a visa with open work conditions if you:
• are an asylum seeker 寻求庇护者
• have a post-study work visa – open 完成课程后的工签 - 开放性
• are the partner of someone who has a New Zealand Work Visa 是持有新西兰工作签证持有者的配偶
• are the partner someone who has a New Zealand Student Visa 新西兰学生签证持有者的配偶
• are a victim of domestic violence 是家庭暴力的受害者
• came to New Zealand as part of a mass arrival group 作为组团其中的团员到达新西兰
• are a victim of people trafficking 是人口贩运的受害者
• are in New Zealand on a Working Holiday Visa and you’re applying for an extension for the balance of time you’re allowed to stay in New Zealand on your scheme (Canada and United Kingdom only). 您持工作假期签证在新西兰,并且您正在申请延长您的计划允许您停留在新西兰的剩余时间(仅限加拿大和英国)。
Open student conditions allow you to study:
• any course 任何课程
• at any education provider 在任何教育机构
• in any New Zealand location. 在新西兰任何地点。
You can’t work on a visitor visa.
You can study for up to 3 months in any 12-month period.
If you varied the conditions of your last visa you apply for the same kind of visa and that visa is a student or work visa, the variation will apply to your interim visa too.
If you varied the conditions of your last visa and that visa was a visitor visa, the variation will only apply to your interim visa if it was granted on the basis of your guardianship of a student.
Source 新西兰来源